Welcome to Johnson County 4-H
Johnson County 4-H is the largest youth serving organization in the county working with 900-1,000 youth annually in grades 4-12. 4-H is a nationally recognized program offered in each state through the land grant universities. In our case, we are a part of The University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University Extension. Our local 4-H program is focusing on Workforce Preparation offering educational programs for youth to better equip them with the skills necessary to make them productive citizens in the future. The 4-H program has made a tremendous impact on the youth of our nation for over 100 years and many here in our own community have benefited greatly from their participation in the 4-H program. All 4-H projects and activities are based on a model to develop life skills in teamwork, achieving goals, responsibility, leadership, citizenship, communication, positive self-esteem, ethical decision making, building relationships and making healthy lifestyle choices.
4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.